Classes from next week and Teadance


Dear Lindy Hoppers,

We are very happy to be able to tell you some nice news: Lindy What is starting up with classes again, both for beginners and for people who have danced before. And after two years without social dances, we are organizing a swing of sunday (SOS) teadance again!

New classes

Great that you are interested in dancing with us again!
From March 25th, we’ll start with a new Lindy A Beginners course and Lindy Mixed for people that have danced before. If you would like to try the Lindy Hop, but have never danced before, this is a golden opportunity: The first lesson of the Beginner’s class is free for everybody. After that, you can still decide whether you want to do the full course.

March 25th – May 20th  (no class on May 6th)

Lindy A/Beginners: 18:30-19:30
Lindy Mixed: 19:45-20:45

Dominicanenstraat 53, NIJMEGEN

Register here:

Swing of sunday teadance

For most of us, What’s Hop from 2 years ago was our last big Lindy Hop event in Nijmegen. After all this time, we’re super excited to invite you all to the first Swing on Sunday teadance of 2022! It’s already next week, on Sunday March 27th.

As this special moment deserves a special location to celebrate, we’ll be dancing at the Waagh.

First, we’ll be kicking it off with a Lindy Hop taster class, which is open to join for everyone, even if you have no other dancing experience whatsoever!

After that, our resident DJ Moldy Fig will provide some swingin’ tunes for you.

Start taster: 15:00
Start social dance: 15:45
End: 20:00

We will provide a donation box at the entrance. The proceeds will be used to cover the rent of the venue for this and future events.

We hope to see you soon on the dance floor!

Lots of Lindy love,
The LindyWhat Team!