Free workshops in between blocks!


The next block with regular Lindy classes (and possible Balboa) will start 23 February. Registrations will open soon, we will let you know!

On the weekend of 16 February we celebrate our 10 year anniversary! We are looking forward to party, dance, and learn together with you from the excellent international teachers we have invited. Check out the What’s Hop website for more information and registration for full and party passes:

That leaves us with two weeks for organizing fun workshops for you begin February! Those workshops are free of charge and you do not have to register, just drop by at Amanné (Tweede Walstraat 118, 6511 LW Nijmegen) and join us on the dancefloor!

02 February 2024


upstairs: Introduction Collegiate Shag (Linda and Theo)

downstairs: Getting you ready to paaartyyy! Floorcraft and social dancefloor etiquette (Tayla and tba)


downstairs: practice session


downstairs: The What’s Hop Routine (Tayla and Linda)

09 February 2024


upstairs: Introduction Collegiate Shag (Linda and Theo)

downstairs: Getting you ready to paaartyyy! Floorcraft and Charleston (Tayla and tba)


downstairs: practice session


downstairs: The What’s Hop Routine (Tayla and Linda)

You have the possibility to get an introduction of Collegiate Shag by Theo and Linda. Shag is a very fast and energetic dance so be prepared to break some sweat! This is how it looks like:

Also, Tayla and partner in crime will dive with you into the glamorous world of social dancing and floorcraft Are you uncomfortable asking someone to dance? Or do you keep hitting other dancers when you are on the social dancefloor? Tayla and Sid share the secrets of enjoying an injury-free Lindy party and top it off with some Charleston moves.

Last but not least, perhaps some of you remember the awesome Lindy What anniversary routine aka The What’s Hop by Ari and Simon? Tayla and Linda learned it and are ready to show you the moves so we can dance the routine all together during What’s Hop!! Forget how awesome this routine is? Check it out here:

Please note, the What’s Hop routine is more difficult than the Shim Sham, so you should have some intermediate dancing experience for this workshop!

To summarize, this is the February schedule:

First week (02 February): Workshops

Second week (09 February): Workshops

Third week (16 February): What’s Hop

Fourth week (23 February): Start of new block

LET’S DO IT! Lots of Lindy love,

your Lindy What team