Lindy What? at the Meschiya Lake concert

On Friday 7th March the Meschiya Lake Quartet was in town. They brought their unique brand of New Orleans swing to Nijmegen as part of their tour of the Netherlands this month. We at Lindy What? rarely miss a chance to dance to live music and so, together with some of our lovely dancing friends from Eindhoven,…

Lindy What? Nijmegen Launch Party: what a night!

The Lindy What? launch party was a huge success! We kicked off the evening with an introductory lesson for complete beginners with Rosalind and Simon: the room was completely packed, way beyond all of our initial hopes and expectations. At one point we counted 90 people on the dance floor! This was followed by another…

Lindy Hop Nijmegen Launch Party

Come and celebrate with us our first night of Lindy Hop here in Nijmegen! We’re organizing a swing dance party on Friday 21st February 21.00 onwards at Café Restaurant Trianon. We’ll kick off with an introductory lesson for complete beginners with Rosalind and Simon, then we’ll dance the night away to the best of swing music from DJs Mathias and…

Lindy Hop drop-in classes and social dancing

On Friday 28th February and Thursday 13th March we will have two more evenings of Lindy Hop at Café Restaurant Trianon. We begin on both evenings at 20.00 with a one-hour drop-in class for absolute beginners with Rosalind and Simon, followed by social dancing until 22.00.

Beginners Lindy Hop classes start in March 2014

Registration has opened for our first series of Lindy Hop classes for beginners, which will take place at Danstheater impro vi. The course will begin on Friday 21 March and continue for five weeks every Friday until the Easter break on Friday 18th April. Each class will start at 20.00 and last for one hour,…